Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Principles Of The Journalism

Journalism is a special branch of mass communication and is playing vital role in modern society. Journalism means the communication of news that is important or interesting or both through written words, sounds or picture using mass media. Journalism is that part of social activity which is concerned with the dissemination of news and views about the society. Experts view journalism as a highly rewarding career with challenges. Journalists go where others can’t. Journalism as a profession is done based on its own principles. These are directives that journalists have developed through their practice. The main function of journalism is to bring light to the people what its members feels and think. A journalist who misuses his power for any selfish or unworthy purpose is faithless to high trust. There are certain principles of journalism which every journalist is supposed to observe. They are as follows:-
Journalist should be responsible for their nation and society. A journalist who uses his power for any selfish or otherwise unworthy purpose is faithless to a high trust.
2)Freedom of the press:
Freedom of the press is to be guarded as a vital right of mankind. It is unquestionable right to discuss whatever is not explicitly forbidden by law, including the wisdom of any restrictive statute.
Journalist should be independent in writing news from private sources, both in form and substance. They shouldn’t copy from other.
4)Sincerity, truthfulness and Accuracy:
Any newspaper can be truthful by every consideration of good faith. The newspaper contents must be accurate. Non-factual matters shouldn’t be published. Headlines should be fully warranted by the contents of the articles.
News reports should be free from opinion of any kind. The emphasis should be given to spread impartial news.
It should not invade private rights or feelings without sure warrant of public right as distinguished from public curiosity.

Decency is also one of the most important principles of modern journalism. Journalists must deserve their respect in the society. They should work so faithfully that the society regards them.

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